Learn more about our story and why we start this blog

Who are we ?

We are a couple of a french girl and a a georgian / armenian boy that met on Amalfi Coast. Passionated about the beauty of south italy, where we now live, we decided to share our tips to discover it on the best way.

David is a social media manager specialised about amalficoast activities. He is also graduated in sport university. He will help you to find the best places to treck or do any types of sport on the coast.

Yvanne is a marketing manager with a passion for illustration and graphism. She will make you discover Amalfi Coast with a new point of view and advice you to visit original places.

Why this blog ?

Together, we share a commun point: we love to eat and discover new restaurants. The first idea of the blog started with the wilingness to share our new discoveries. Then we realise that our passion is not only about food but all the coast and all of its beauty. Both of us are not born in italy but we fall in love of this paradise and consider it as our new home. 

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